In film production, film rushes, also known as dailies or rushes, refer to the raw, unedited footage that is captured during the shooting process. When filming a scene, multiple takes are often recorded from different angles or with variations in performances. These individual takes, along with any additional footage such as establishing shots or B-roll, make up the film rushes. The term "rushing" originally referred to the process of quickly developing and viewing the exposed film footage during the early days of celluloid film. Nowadays, with digital cinematography becoming more prevalent, the term has stuck even though the process has evolved. After each day of shooting, the film rushes are reviewed by the director, cinematographer, and sometimes other key members of the production team. This process is essential for evaluating the quality of the shots, performances, and overall coverage. It allows the creative team to assess if the captured footage aligns with the desired vision of the film. While reviewing the rushes, the team may take notes, mark preferred takes, or identify any technical issues that need to be addressed. These notes and decisions serve as a guide for the subsequent editing process. Once the rushes are reviewed, they are handed over to the film or video editor, who will use them to assemble the final film. It's worth noting that in modern digital workflows, the term "rushing" may not always involve physical film. Instead, the raw digital footage is typically transferred to a computer or storage device, where it can be accessed and reviewed digitally. Nonetheless, the term "rushing" persists as a way to describe the early viewing and evaluation of the footage in the production process.